Wednesday 5 November 2014

Who needs Monopoly when you can play Corruptopolis?

Marina Belda, 22, a student in industrial design in the Valencia region of Spain, is hoping a game she has designed will make her some honest money.  The game, "Corruptopolis," involves figures from Spain's most notorious corruption scandals, more of which seem to crop up every day.  

The aim of the game is to take on one of these corrupt and heinous roles, with the objective of reaching the fictional city of Villa Corrupta, which sounds a little like Madrid. Unlike Monopoly or other, rather more tame, board games, players work in teams, answering questions about the various high-profile scandals that have darkened Spain's doors, including the huge Pokémon case in Galicia, and the notorious Gürtel kickbacks scheme.

Belda told the media that as she saw the new corruption cases continue to appear in the current political situation on an almost weekly basis, she got inspired to use these incidences in a more positive way. Her timing is apt, with the recent public apology by Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy after two more corruption scandals reared their ugly heads, comprising of yet more back handers and the use of "secret" credit cards.

She now hopes to raise enough money (in a far more legal fashion) using crowd-funding via the Verkami website to actually produce the board game. So far Belda has raised more than €1,300 ($1,600) of the €6,500 she needs to be able to release Corruptopolis to the world.

Anyone wishing to help can visit the Verkami web page to make a donation and reap various benefits. The video below gives more detail about the corruption involved and the game itself:


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