Wednesday 3 July 2013

Baby born in Spanish hotel due to hospital blunder

A woman in Galicia, Spain traveled to the hospital, as her contractions were "at first every four minutes, then every three." However, the hospital said she was not in labor and sent her home.

Despite the frequency of Margarita's contractions, the doctors at Hospital Virxe da Xunqueira in Cee, La Coruña, in their infinite wisdom, sent her away.

However, as the family's home in Merexo is quite some distance from the hospital and it was already 9pm on Sunday night, Margarita and her partner decided to stay over for the night at Hotel Insua.

She told regional daily La Voz de Galicia, "I realized we weren't going to make it very far."

Not far indeed, as it turns out that baby Marina was born just two hours later in room 216.

Despite the fact that the hotel is only a few hundred meters from the hospital, the couple were told that it would take 25 minutes for an ambulance to arrive, so there was no choice but to have the baby in the hotel room.

Manuel, the new father, said that he was managing to keep a sense of humor about the whole thing, but that he was a little on edge, due to "two days with no sleep".

The 35-year-old mother, Margarita, who has two other children, was said to be "tired" but otherwise fine after giving birth to healthy, 2.78kg baby Marina.

It seems hotel staff was unaware of the events in room 216 until doctors and an ambulance crew turned up to take the newborn and her mother to the hospital.

"Because it's not everyday something like this happens," Pilar Insua, owner of the hotel sent flowers to the family and invited them to stay at Hotel Insua free of charge to celebrate baby's Marina's first birthday.

The hotel even posted an photo of the baby on their Facebook page.

As to the registration of the birth, the medical report merely states "born Avda Finisterre, 82" (the hotel's address), as if nothing out of the ordinary happened.

To the source:

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